RSC Update | Jan 28, 2025

Over the last week, numerous Executive Orders and memos from the federal government have resulted in significant challenges here in our community. While the full impact of these changes is still being understood, we know two things to be true.

First, we, members of the Refugee Services Collaborative of Greater Cleveland (RSC), remain steadfast in our commitment to supporting and uplifting refugees and all other international newcomers in the region.

Second, we know that this will only be possible with the help of the broader community. Recent executive orders and memos directly and immediately impact RSC member organizations and, therefore, clients'--individuals' and families'--ability to access services, feel safe in their day-to-day lives, and, in some cases, even remain in the country.

While these challenges are occurring more rapidly and profoundly than we have seen in recent history, we know that this is not the first time refugees and international newcomers have encountered such hardships. History reminds us that the key to overcoming great adversity is through the great uprising of community and collaboration. And so we, the RSC, call upon the broader community to step up and join us. We encourage other organizations across the county, places of worship, local clubs, and caring neighbors to help us support and serve all the refugees and international newcomers in our community. Together, we are stronger— that will never change.

If you feel called to immediate action, please contact the RSC to learn ways to donate, volunteer, and stay connected. We will continue to update the community as we learn more.


Update from the RSC


Know Your Rights: The Red Card