Volunteer With Us!
NEW: The Refugee Services Collaborative of Greater Cleveland is so grateful for the outpouring of requests and interest in volunteering to help newly arrived Afghans and other refugees in Cleveland. We have created an intake form that you can complete to identify your area(s) of interest. Click this link and then click ‘Start’ to complete the intake form.
The Collaborative welcomes volunteers for additional opportunities!
Volunteers provide significant amounts of valuable time and effort.
Volunteers experience a close-up view of another culture, participating in a unique two-way “dialogue” with refugees.
Volunteers become “ambassadors,” spreading information and connections among their families, neighborhoods, and work and faith communities.
Our agencies rely on volunteers for many aspects of our work. This includes:
- Helping to clean and set up apartments as a welcoming space for new arrivals
- Working as part of a mentoring team to help refugee families navigate our city and culture (grocery shopping, banking, transportation, etc.)
- Assisting as teachers and conversation aides with refugees learning English
- Tutoring refugee youth with schoolwork
- Assisting with multicultural events (cultural fairs, health fairs, fund-raisers)